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Alan Douglas


I first picked up a guitar in 1971 because I was determined to learn how to play Stairway to Heaven. I was fairly successful with most of the song, although I was never able to master the lead. But a lifelong love for the guitar has endured.


I tried playing in numerous bands both during high school and shortly after. But that was an exercise in futility, I had the desire to "make it", but never the motivation. So I decided to start writing my own material, and with the assistance of a lyricist actually got pretty good at it. And then marriage and work happened, and music just seemed to slide away.


At the start of the new millennium I decided to start dabbling with digital recording, and discovered I could mix that with my own guitar work and singing. Having recently reconnected with an old bandmate from high school and working on a number of collaborations, I've decided it's time to put myself out there.


In 2024 I created Ladder Logic, as a home for collaboration and enjoyment. I'm hoping soon to release my first album. I hope you'll join me in this adventure.


Photo By: Catherine Hendriks, Flare Photography


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